The Virgin Birth Of Christ: What Place Does The Virgin Birth Have Within The Faith Of The New Testament?

Some tell us that the Virgin Birth is not an integral part of faith of the New Testament. At this point, we do recognize an important difference between Christ's resurrection and His virgin birth. There were many witnesses to His resurrection. The virgin birth story must go back to Mary herself. The Bible lays great emphasis on Christ's resurrection. We should not, however, conclude that the virgin birth story, because it is not emphasized so much, is not true! Looking at Christ's birth, His resurrection and all that lies between these two events, we emphasize His uniqueness. He entered the world as no other man ever entered it. He lived in the world as no other man lived in it. He left the world as no other man ever left it.At the beginning, the middle and the end of Christ's life, we are reminded that our salvation is supernatural. What we cannot do for ourselves, God has done for us. Concerning Christ's birth, His miracles and His resurrection and His miracles, we stress both the facts and their meaning. We do not have a profound meaning without historical facts. we have the facts which make the meaning - salvation - clear.