"I Have Overcome The World" (John 16:33): Part Three.

"I have overcome the world" (John 16:33).
"In this world you have tribulation."The years of our life, in this world, are passing. We are moving ever closer to the end of our life on this earth. This is something which makes us anxious. There is the anxiety which comes upon us as we think of wasted opportunities to trust Christ, to confess Christ, to serve Christ. There is the anxiety which comes upon us as we think of the future. The question of the future, the ultimate future, is always before us: are you ready to meet the Lord, your Maker? When we consider the things which make us anxious, we may wonder, "How can I be of good cheer"? We began by hearing and believing Christ's words, "I have overcome the world." We take His words and we stand upon them and, through faith in Christ, the triumphant Victor over evil, we say, "I have overcome the world."