"The Vision Awaits Its Time ... It Will Surely Come."

Sometimes, God’s “No” means “Not now. Later”. David wanted to build a Temple for the Lord. God said, “No” - ‘You shall not build Me a House to dwell in’ (1 Chronicles 17:1-4). This was not God’s last Word on the matter - ‘one of your own sons... shall build a House for Me’ (1 Chronicles 17:11-12). One ministry comes to an end. Another ministry begins. We wonder, ‘Has God said, “No”?’. Has He said, “There will be no blessing”?’. God’s “No” may mean “Not yet”. The blessing will come - but not yet. The “No” was spoken to David, yet still, there was the promise of God: ‘the Lord will build you a House’ (1 Chronicles 17:10). The true servant of the Lord does not say, “The blessing must come in my time”! God’s servant rejoices in the “not yet” blessing of God - ‘still the vision awaits its time... If it seem slow, wait for it; it will surely come, it will not delay’ 1 Chronicles 16:25-27; Habakkuk 2:3).
This post is taken from my notes on 1 chronicles.