Come To Jesus, The Saviour Of Sinners.

Luke 5:12-32
‘You can make me clean... I will; be clean’(12-13). Look at Christ’s death for you - Can you doubt His desire to save you? Look at His resurrection - Can you doubt His power to save you? The Lord ‘desires all people to be saved’(1 Timothy 2:4). We are saved through ‘the Gospel’ which ‘is the power of God for salvation to everyone who has faith’(Romans 1:16). Jesus can save. Jesus will save. ‘The power of the Lord’(17) is available to all: ‘Whoever wishes’ may ‘come’ and receive ‘the free gift’ of salvation (Revelation 22:17). To each one, Jesus says, ‘Follow Me’(27). We must not think of ourselves as ‘righteous’. Each one must come as a ‘sinner’ to Jesus, the Saviour of sinners (32). Through prayer, the Lord’s saving power can be released among us (16-17; John 14:13-14; 1 John 5:14-15).
Blessings in Christ
Christ in all the Scriptures