‘Surely The Lord Does Nothing, Without Revealing His Secret To His Servants The Prophets.’

Genesis 40:1-23
God gave Joseph power to overcome temptation (chapter 39). Now, He gives him power to interpret dreams. Here, Joseph the dreamer (37:5-11) becomes Joseph the interpreter of dreams. Joseph may be viewed as a prophet: ‘Surely the Lord does nothing, without revealing His secret to His servants the prophets’(Amos 3:7). As a true prophet, he gives the glory to God alone: ‘Do not interpretations belong to God?’(8). Joseph became the forgotten man (23). For Joseph, life had become very difficult. He had known prosperity (39:2-3). Now, he was suffering adversity. God is in both our prosperity and our adversity. He uses adversity to produce in us a heart of humility. What was Joseph doing while he was in prison? He was keeping close to God, waiting patiently for his ‘time to speak’(Ecclesiastes 3:7).
Blessings in Christ
Christ in all the Scriptures