Confess Your Sin. Pray For Salvation. Stand On God’s Word. Make It Personal!

Genesis 31:43-32:21
Jacob and Laban were not exactly the best of friends. Nevertheless, they came to an agreement that they would not continue feuding with each other (52). Jacob prepares to meet Esau (1-21). From verses 9-12, we learn some important spiritual lessons - (a) Make sure that God is your God, and not only the God of your father and grandfather (9). (b) Confess your unworthiness of ‘all the steadfast love and all the faithfulness’ of God (10). (c) Pray to God for salvation - ‘Save me I pray...’(11). (d) Stand on the promises of God - ‘You have said...’(12). Jacob, soon to be renamed Israel (32:28), was preparing to meet Esau. There is, in his prayer, the way of being prepared for a more important meeting: ‘Prepare to meet your God, O Israel!’(Amos 4:12). Confess your sin, pray for salvation, stand on God’s Word - make it personal!
Blessings in Christ
Christ in all the Scriptures