In Christ, We Are Free.

In Christ, we are found. In Christ, we are forgiven. In Christ, we are free. The freedom which we have received in Christ is not a freedom to do as we please. We are set free for obedience, set free to obey the Lord in a way that we could never do before we knew Him. We are set free for service, set free to serve the Lord in a way that we have never served him before. Christian freedom is like the freedom of the prisoner of war. We are no longer defeated, captive and taken out of the battle. We are now free to fight for the Lord, to fight in His strength and win victories for Him.
The contrast between the old life and the new life is highlighted in Ephesians 5:18, where the Apostle Paul writes, "do not get drunk with wine ... but be filled with the Spirit." The world's way is the way of getting drunk with wine. It is the way of "debauchery." The Lord's way is the way of the new wine of the Spirit. The contrast between being filled with the world's wine and being filled with the new wine of the Spirit is both encouraging and challenging. We are encouraged. We have not received the spirit of 'Johnnie Walker' (or 'Jack Daniels').We have received the Spirit of Jesus Christ. We are challenged. We are not to be filled with the spirit of 'Johnnie Walker' (or 'Jack Daniels'). We are to be filled with the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Being filled with the new wine of the Spirit may not be the world's idea of a 'good time.' It is the way to true happiness.
Found, forgiven and free - this is the Gospel's description of a Christian. Are you a Christian? - found by Christ, forgiven by Christ, free in Christ.